Monday, December 14, 2009


This morning I found myself to be.. completely overwhelmed. I, admittedly, broke down and started crying. I tried stopping the tears, but for a good ten minutes they kept streaming down my face. I gained my composure after inhaling deeply several times.. and I headed to work. I saw my co-worker and she asked me how my weekend was, I immediately began tearing up again. I tried to control myself - I hate having others see me cry. I vented to her, and eventually I calmed down again. I'm at work in a state of indifference. My phone vibrates.. it's 10 o'clock, it's my daily horoscope. I subscribed to it for fun, but it's interesting because sometimes my horoscope can really relate to my current life. I check my phone, I read my text and it says, "Sagittarius, Dec 14: This situation won't last forever, but it may go on longer than you'd prefer."

Oh how true it is!

My thoughts on the situation is that.. you can't live someone's life for them. You cannot tell them how to live their life. But I feel that you can guide them.. suggest things and give reasons as to why one route may be better than the other route(s). And then, it's up to the person to decide on what he/she wants to do. But it's hard sometimes.. because sometimes things are seen so much more clearly from an outsider's point of view. Sure, at times, as an outsider we are not able to know every detail of what is going on, and because we are not in their situation we do not understand the full context of it. We don't know the emotions that go along with the situation. But when the same mistakes are done repeatedly.. and you keep guiding the person to go to the "better" route but they don't, what can you do? We want to be there for the person that means so much to us, but after trying to help him/her correct his/her repeated mistakes.. what can we do? After years of hearing about the same problem(s), we grow tired of the person not learning from his/her mistakes. So what do we do? Do we let him/her live his/her own life and continue being hurt, while nudging him/her at his/her side to go the other route? Or do we just give up.. tired and exhausted from saying the same thing over and over and over and over again? Honestly.. nothing will change if nothing is changed.

I don't know what to do, but I am definitely tired. I'm just praying for the best outcome..

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