Saturday, April 25, 2009

I am Bach.

I've arrived back on American soil. The sight of green water as the plane descends just sends a heartwarming feeling through me. I've missed fresh air. I've miss toilet bowls - specifically my own and not a public toilet bowl. I've missed my own bed and my privacy. I've missed the kids. I've missed speaking English and understanding people speak around me. I've missed knowing where I'm going. I've missed driving. I've missed my friends and family here. I've missed American food.

I do miss Hong Kong and China already, though. The people in Hong Kong were so friendly and hospitable. The food there was delicious. I'll miss not having a daily routine - as with every day was a new experience and a new scene. I'll miss knowing more about my culture and my parents' history. I'll miss learning more Chinese and I became more exposed to it. I'll miss not worrying.

But I definitely won't miss the rude people who constantly shoved me and spat loogies all over the floor (this coming from while in Beijing, not Hong Kong). I won't miss the pollution. I won't miss being so lost in translation. I won't miss the dirty floors and the strong scent of the public bathrooms that can be smelled from from a block away. I won't miss being judged by all the shallow people with their high end fashion clothing and accessories - even if half of them were fakes.

And I'd like to post more but I'm suffering from jetlag now. I feel like how Jason feels in this picture.

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