Monday, June 15, 2009

Gorilla is Michelle Obama's ancestor? Ouch.

South Carolina Republican Rusty DePass jokingly reported on his Facebook page that the gorilla who escaped from a zoo in South Carolina was "one of Michelle's ancestors."

wow. did he really think he'd make a comment like that in public and it'd be okay? on his FACEBOOK page, nonetheless! why don't people realize how quick facebook is growing (hell.. as of last week, i even own one.. or at least 1/3 of one. =T) and it's getting so many people in trouble. it's PUBLIC information. it's costing people their jobs, their reputations, etc. and to think that DePass tried claiming that the First Lady said that we originated from apes, which is where he got his comment from. wow, man. to offend the First Lady like that and to try to blame it on her at the same time.. you've got huge balls. balls that will probably be cut off real soon "accidentally."

to read more: the full article

if he wants to joke, let's joke. i think these two below are from the same ancestry as well.
i know PLENTY of people who make racial jokes.. but among close friends so that no one takes it seriously. but to add to that, these PLENTY of people are in NO WAY political figures. why don't these political figures realize that by now? if you want to be someone who's going to be watched by the public eye, you must be 110% cautious with the things you do and the words you say. i mean, damn.. you're the ones who put yourselves in the public eye. (*ahem* john and kate.. who are no longer my idols, but i still wish their family well for the sake of their kids.)

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