Monday, June 1, 2009

Junk Food Junkies.

If you are like me, you are a Junk Food Junkie (and damn proud!). =]

I have junk food at LEAST 5x a week (even during salad week!). It's not good for me, I know. But that's besides the point of my blog. I love road trips and I don't love fast food, but I do have it a few times every week.. if not, I get the crave. I came across this site that is most helpful for me when I'm on the road.. or if I'm just craving.

This site provides you with directions from Point A to Point B and lists whatever fast food chains you prefer to stop at in between. From Carl's Jr. to KFC to Hardee's. There could be more choices, but there are ten to select from. [Sonic is not listed, but they have their own trip-locator on their website.] When you enter the addresses of Point A to Point B, the site displays your route on a map and based on color-coded-tacts, they will show you which of the fast food chains are within an x-mile radius from your route.

Enjoy, and eat "well."

edit: 06.01.09 - 2.08P

Sonic has a FREE Float Night on Wednesday, June 3, 2009 from 8PM-Midnight. They're giving away FREE 10oz Root Beer Floats as a thank you to anyone and everyone who visits Sonic.

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